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Read the following Introduction aloud: 

Tonight, we are going to spend time praying Scripture together using a tool called THANK-DECLARE-ASK. Because Scripture is an expression of God’s will, everything in the Bible is like a prayer guide! Praying Scripture utilizing this tool is a great starting point for a lifestyle of listening to and talking to Jesus. It’s simple enough that anyone can do it and it’s powerful because Scripture promises if we ask in accordance with God’s will, He listens! 

If you’ve never done this before, here’s a quick intro: First, we THANK God for who He is and what He has done in our lives–big or small. It may sound like, “Thank you, Jesus for providing money when I needed it.” Next, we DECLARE who God reveals Himself to be through the Scripture. It may sound like, “God, you are Provider!” Finally, we ASK for what we need in our lives, our church, our city or our world with those truths in mind. It may sound like, “We ask you would show your comfort and provision to every person in our church facing hardship.”

We are going to read the Scripture together then start with a time of worship to focus our hearts together on Jesus.

HC Pastor: Share Scripture to pray from and facilitate worship and prayer.


HC Pastor Notes: 

Choose a Scripture ahead of time. You may choose from the Scriptures below or pick one on your own. Have everyone open and read it together. 

After reading the Scripture together, start by worshiping to 1-2 songs to focus on Jesus. Have everyone keep the Scripture pulled up. 

Transition to Prayer by popcorning prayers of thankfulness. Thanking Jesus for anything big or small! Move to declaring truths about God as seen in the Scripture. 


Suggested Scriptures: 

#1 Prayers: The New Testament alone has at least 30 prayers of Jesus and the Apostles, each of which expresses the will and ways of God. 

  • Matthew 6:9-13 
  • Colossians 1:9-12 
  • Romans 15:13 
  • Philippians 1:4-6,9-11 

#2 Promises: These are scriptures that express the promises that God has for those who follow Jesus. We can use these to fight the lies of the enemy. 

  • Romans 8:38-39 
  • Matthew 11:28-30 
  • Romans 8:1-2 
  • Romans 8:9-11

#3 Praise: Many scriptures describe the majesty and power of God to help us know him more and be in awe of him. 

  • Psalm 44:4-8 
  • Psalm 18 
  • Revelation 1:5-6 
  • Revelation 5:8-14 

#4 Prescriptions: God exhorts us and directs in how we are speak, act and think in order to abide in Jesus and bring him glory. 

  • 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 
  • Philippians 4:6-8 
  • Colossians 3:1-8 
  • Ephesians 4:1-3 

#5 Patterns: Scripture reveals the ways in which God acts to achieve his priorities. He is consistent in the way he operates, which helps us pray his will over the world. 

  • Psalm 103:8-12 
  • Psalm 119:89-96 
  • Isaiah 30:18 
  • Joel 2:13 
  • 2 Peter 3:8-9 

#6 Prophecies: God tells us what he is going to do in the future to give us hope and confidence in present circumstances. Many prophecies are yet to come, but none has ever been proven false. – Acts 2:17-18 

  • Revelation 21:3-5 
  • Habakkuk 2:13-14 
  • Revelation 19:11-16 

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