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Past Guides

Lectio Divina: Acts 11, Oikos Map

CONNECT | Fellowship + Vision + Worship

Circle up as one group and read Acts 2:42-47. 

We meet as a House Church because this is a main way a Kingdom community becomes more like Jesus and brings Heaven to earth.  We read Acts 2:42-47 to remind ourselves what is possible as we do this week-after-week. (Read the passage and then pray for God to do this in our midst!) 

*HC Pastors: Share any announcements or HC updates. 

Worship and minister to each other.


CONTENT | Scripture + Practice 

Read this Overview aloud together. 

Tonight we are going to Listen to Jesus through Scripture using Lectio Divina. This tool helps us to approach the Bible not just with our minds but with our hearts and souls also. As we do this, we learn how to slow down and connect with Jesus. It also allows us to engage with one another in meaningful, spiritual conversations. Lectio Divina consists of slowly and prayerfully reading and re-reading a passage of Scripture and reflecting on a question after each of the three readings. Tonight, we are going to read about the early church at Antioch in Acts 11. 

Do this Practice together: Listen to Jesus

  1. During Reading 1: Listen for one word or phrase the Holy Spirit  impresses on you. After the reading, meditate on that word or phrase for two or three minutes. 

Read: Acts 11:19-30 

Pause: Meditate on the word or phrase highlighted to you.

Share: Simply verbalize the one word or phrase highlighted to you. No commentary

is added. 

  1. During 2nd Reading: What do you feel? What specific situation in your life today relates?  

Read: Acts 11:19-30 


Share: Pray a prayer of response out loud in the group or to yourself. 

  1. During 3rd Reading: What is God’s personal invitation to you from the Scripture? 

Read: Acts 11:19-30 

Pause: Write down what the Lord may be saying to you or a prayer of thanks. 

Share: One person close with prayer and then each person share what the Lord seems to be saying or how you’re experiencing or NOT experiencing God. 


COMMIT | Accountability + Prayer 

Delegate for next House Church. 

Who will host? Cook dinner? Facilitate communion? Facilitate worship? 

Get in pairs and pray for each other.

How will you practically apply this week what God is speaking to you? How is it going with those you are “Prayer-Care-Share”-ing with? Pray for these things + any other needs in your group.

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