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Thank you for being willing to lead your House Church in worshiping this week! The Bible tells us that we enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise (Psalm 100) so worship is an opportunity for us to get to be in God’s Presence together! And His Presence changes everything. 

To lead Worship, simply: 

Before House Church

  1. Choose 1-2 songs from the list below or any songs of your choosing! Worship should be about 10-15 min long in total. 
  2. If you’ll be leading worship live, practice ahead of time. If you’ll be using a speaker, send the songs to whoever Hosts your House Church so they can be ready to pull the songs up on their speaker. 

Night of House Church

  1. Say 1-2 sentences about why we worship in general and/or: tonight, in a living room, together as a house church, etc. Choosing a Scripture is an easy way to give vision. Just google “scriptures about worship” if nothing comes to mind! 
  2. Remind people to spend the first bit of time focusing on Jesus and then the second bit of time praying for one another as the Holy Spirit leads 
  3. After giving vision and instructions, pray to transition into worship. 

Note: If you’d like to have the group worship in a different way such as reading or praying a Psalm or praying prayers of thanksgiving, that is a great option, too! 

Worship Songs We’ve Been Singing: COMING SOON!

Reminder: The last Sunday of each month is our Selah Sunday, where we pause from our Church-wide Sunday Gathering. :)